Sport Werbespots im Frühjahr ´11 - adidas, Reebok, Nike
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Die Grossen der Sportbranche starten mit massiven Werbekampagnen ins Frühjahr 2011.
- all adidas (Justice - Civilization, Single ab 4.4.11)
- Puma - Blam! Blam! (No-Maddz - Rise Above Profanity)
- Nike - Free Yourself
- Reebok - Reetoners
- Converse - Desire
adidas - is all in (30", long version below)
’all adidas’ brings the diversity of the brand together ... from court to catwalk, stadium to street - Erich Stamminger
Leo Messy, Beckham, Katy Perry, Derrick Rose, Louis Smith, Cyclops, B.o.B, David Villa, C. Wozniacki, Snoop Doggy Dogg, B.o.B., Dwight Howard, Mehdi, Jeremy, Rokko, Blanka
at und
Justice - Duo (elektronische Musik) aus Gaspard Augé und Xavier de Rosnay
Song: Justice mit Civilization (Ed Banger Records)
The beating of a million drums, the fire of a million guns,
the mother of a million sons, Civilization !
Puma - Faas, Blam! Blam! feat. Usain Bolt
Song: No-Maddz mit Rise Above Profanity (
Agentur: Droga5
No-Maddz was formed by Sheldon Shepherd, Everaldo Creary, Christopher Gordon and O'neil Peart as a Dub Poetry group at Kingston College / Jamaica in 2000 and recorded their debut album The Trod on March 2010.
Nomadz Rise Above Profanity @ Change a Life-concert, und
Puma Faas, Recording - Fasta Studio
World's Fastest Band - Rocker, Flex & Groove from Jamaica make Faas go fast
Nike - Free feat. Allyson Felix
der ideale Zeitpunkt um unsere Nike-Free-Serie ins Rampenlicht zu stellen und Verbraucher dadurch zu animieren, durch Training stärker und schneller zu werden - Davide Grasso, Brand Marketing
Song: Apollo Sunshine mit Today Is The Day und
Nike Free Yourself - Throwdown (1'30") und adidas Super7 - Alysson Felix (2009)
Song: Human Beinz mit Nobody but Me
Reebok - Reeflections
internationale Reetone Testimonials mit Karen Wetterau
Converse - Desire feat. Paloma Faith, Graham Coxon, Bill Ryder-Jones
Song: Desire (Converse Music Collaboration) incl. Download (s.o.)
Agentur: Anomaly London
Ride through the World of Desire unter
In the middle 8 there is a harmony that builds and builds, that was inspired by a song called Itty Bitty Pretty One that was a 50's song - Paloma
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