adidas for women - shower gel, Pflegedusche
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- adidas for men (Coty) - Extreme Power, Special Edition
- adidas for women (Coty) - Shower Gel / Pflegedusche
each of the six variants has a unique fragrance and contains carefully chosen ingredients to meet a specific skin-care need.

discover the adidas for women shower gel line, an exciting new collection of shower gels designed to enhance specific moods and care benefits ... unter
extend all sensations of sports under your shower ...VITALITY offers an energizing effect.
FRESH creates a clean, refreshing boost.
HAPPY is bright and exhilarating, while
RELAX is a comforting and soothing formula.
SMOOTH help soften and exfoliates skin.
PROTECT brings immediate hydration for dry skin.
Model: Adriana Kalcheva (Адриана Калчева) 8.3.´91, Sofia, 48kg, 1.76, 90-60-90
Song: Hailie Wallas - Move Faster
Hailie Wallas, 20, is an European pop songwriter, singer and composer. In 2009 she met a team of producers, a cruxial match. Together they developed a genuine sound, inspired by many different sonorities (house, dubstep, new wave...). After a few months of hard work, an innovative projet was born.
I want every track to be the exact representation I have of music, a balanced sound, that recreates a feeling of happiness and electricity - Hailie
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stay dry. feel cool. look hot.
Song: Baikal Paradise (Parker Carton, Jun Miyamoto) - Summer Breeze
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Fußballstar Zinédine Zidane präsentiert die adidas Body Care Serie für Männer
Adidas Extreme Power - L'Autographe / das Autogramm featuring Zizou

Song: Bosco Roger's - Googoo (auf Soundcloud)
ein sinnlicher, aromtischer, holziger Duft, der Vertrauen schafft
Bosco Rogers is a young, flower punk singer-songwriter from Brighton (UK). “Googoo” is the first track from his 2012 EP release on Bleepmachine.

Pure Game // -- // Hair & Body 3 Ice Effect
Es gibt Dinge, die nicht in Vergessenheit geraten - wie Fußballlegende Zinédine Zidane („Zizou“), aber auch besondere Düfte - wie adidas Pure Game, als Special zur Fußball WM in Südafrika von adidas / Coty kreiert.
Wenn die Temperaturen oder der Stresspegel steigen, kann ein intensiverer Frische-Kick den entscheidenden Unterschied machen und für „cooles“ Selbstbewusstsein sorgen. Dank der eisig-belebenden Duftkombination aus frischer Winterkiefer, Wacholder und kühlendem Pfefferminz sorgt Ice Effect schon beim Auftragen für ein besonders erfrischendes Gefühl – wie Eis auf der Haut belebt es sofort sämtliche Sinne.
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